Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Special Committee Fisheries Bill, 1938 díospóireacht -
Tuesday, 13 Jun 1939


The McGillycuddy

I have got a point to put on this section. In (2) on the Second Reading the Minister suggested that there was no analogy between a retired manager's compensation rate and the person who is in life insurance. Life insurance is a voluntary matter, whereas here the retirement of the manager is compulsory. I think some further consideration might be given to that. I do not see the connection which the Minister made between these two.

In the case of employees who were part-time but who during the non-fishing season were still employed on say the estate, would that be taken into account in assessing their compensation? I ask that because probably they will lose their whole employment now.

Sir John Keane

What does the Senator mean by employment during the non-fishery period?

I am referring to the Duke of Devonshire's men. They were employed around the estate.

The McGillycuddy

This section is dealing purely with management.

Sections 68 to 72, inclusive, agreed to.