Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Departmental Reviews.

Dáil Éireann Debate, Tuesday - 26 February 2008

Tuesday, 26 February 2008

Ceisteanna (24, 25)

Pat Breen


35 Deputy Pat Breen asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the progress made to date in achieving better value for money from the latest round of expenditure reviews. [7760/08]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Richard Bruton


92 Deputy Richard Bruton asked the Tánaiste and Minister for Finance the savings to date made on foot of the latest round of expenditure reviews under the value for money initiative. [8065/08]

Amharc ar fhreagra

Freagraí scríofa

I propose to take Questions Nos. 35 and 92 together.

The Government approved some 90 formal Value for Money Reviews to be carried out for the period 2006-2008. This programme of reviews focuses on significant areas of expenditure and major policy issues.

Value for Money and Policy Reviews are part of a package of changes that I have introduced to the Estimates and Budget processes in recent years to move resource allocation policy away from a narrow focus on financial inputs, on to a broader consideration of performance and the delivery of outputs and outcomes.

To date, 49 reviews are complete or almost complete under the 2006-2008 round. Responsibility for carrying out each of the reviews and for publishing them and submitting them to the Select Committees rests with the individual Departments and Offices and details of any individual review should be sought from the relevant Minister.

The reviews when completed will normally be published and submitted to the relevant Select Oireachtas Committee for consideration and in this regard consideration of Value for Money and Policy Reviews is now included in the Orders of Reference for the Select Committees. I have also written to the Select Committee Chairpersons earlier this month to encourage them to ensure that time is scheduled to consider the reviews in detail, and where appropriate, to discuss the reviews and their conclusions and recommendations with the relevant Departments and Offices.

In respect of the reviews under my own Department and the Offices for which I have responsibility the following is the position:

Department of Finance reviews under the 2006-2008 round



Economic and Social Research Institute

Completed July 2006

Information Society Fund

Completed August 2006

Ordnance Survey Ireland

Completed April 2007

Civil Service Childcare Initiative

At Quality Assessment Stage

Construction Procurement Reform Initiative

At draft stage

Procurement Management within the Department

Scheduled for completion by end 2008

The Value for Money and Policy Review of the Grant-in-Aid payment to the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) contained five recommendations, all of which are in the process of being implemented. The recommendations are intended to improve the overall value for money for the grant-in-aid. Among other things, they are directed at relating funding to outputs; benchmarking the ESRI with comparable institutes in other EU member states, and periodically reviewing the policy relevance of the Institute's research. The level of the grant in aid has not changed significantly as a result of the review.

The Information Society Fund terminated at the end of 2005 in line with its intended lifespan. As a result, an annual allocation for the fund is no longer required. The Fund was focused on initiatives in the areas of Electronic Government and Electronic Commerce.

The focus of the Ordnance Survey Ireland (OSI) Review was largely on policy aspects relating to the payment of the grant-in-aid and several of the recommendations should contribute to the efficiency of the organisation and reduce not only the direct Exchequer grant, but also the payments for services made to the organisation by both the public and private sector. One of the recommendations of this Review was that responsibility for Ordnance Survey Ireland should move to the Department of Communications, Energy and Natural Resources. This change took effect from 1st January, 2008. The DCENR will be better placed to comment on further progress achieved as the other recommendations of the Review are implemented.

With regard to the reviews of Procurement Management within the Department, Construction Procurement Reform Initiative (formerly Procurement Management Reform) and the Civil Service Childcare Initiative, it is not possible to anticipate the consequences of these reports until their findings are finalised, considered and implemented.

Question No. 36 answered with Question No. 31.