Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Oireachtas Banking Inquiry Committee agrees second tranche of witnesses for Nexus Phase

12 Márta 2015, 18:16

The Oireachtas Banking Inquiry today agreed the second tranche of witnesses for the Nexus Phase of the Inquiry.

The Nexus Phase, when the Committee will engage with institutions and individuals who had roles relating to the crisis, will focus on three broad elements — Banking Systems & Practices; Regulatory and Supervisory Systems & Practices; and Crisis management systems and policy responses — and how these three elements interacted with each other.

Chairman Ciaran Lynch TD says: “Today the Committee agreed and signed off on the second tranche of witnesses for the Nexus Phase of hearings which are scheduled to start in April. This tranche will comprise bank economists, external auditors, representatives of the construction industry and valuers and central bankers. The notification includes the name, role, line of inquiry and proposed date for the hearing.”

“Nexus Phase hearings will run from Wednesday 22nd April until the middle of September with a total of 64 public hearings planned. It is envisaged that at least 50 witnesses will be called to the public hearings.”

“This phase of our hearings will include a move to compelling witnesses and statements and the use of evidence. Under the witness management protocol, there will be a structured witness engagement with a seven week lead-in between the notification and the public hearing. The protocol includes timescales, evidence books and technical briefings.”

The list of persons who have been issued with a Notice of Intention to date can be accessed here.

The Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) has also confirmed to the Committee that former President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Jean-Claude Trichet will be addressing a meeting of the IIEA in a personal capacity on 30th April and has agreed to engage with the Committee at this event.

Committee Chairman Ciarán Lynch said: “We will now engage with Mr Trichet and the IIEA to examine the options, details and modality of engagement to hear from Mr Trichet and how this engagement may further the work of the Inquiry and how the information provided may be available as evidence.”

Further information on the Oireachtas Banking Inquiry can be accessed on the dedicated website: www.oireachtas.ie/bankinginquiry/

Committee proceedings can also be viewed on the move, through the Houses of the Oireachtas Smartphone App, available for Apple and Android devices.

All media enquiries in relation to the Oireachtas Banking Inquiry should be addressed to:

Ciaran Brennan,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Communications Unit,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2

P: +3531 618 3903
M: 086-0496518
F: +3531 618 4551

Committee Membership


Ciarán Lynch (Chairman)
Pearse Doherty
Joe Higgins
Michael McGrath
Eoghan Murphy
Kieran O’Donnell
John Paul Phelan


Sean D Barrett
Michael D’Arcy
Marc MacSharry
Susan O’Keeffe
