Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Banking Inquiry publishes statements from non-attending witnesses

8 DFómh 2015, 13:55

The Oireachtas Banking Inquiry has today published the next batch of witness statements received from non-attending witnesses.

Over the past number of weeks, the Committee has contacted a number of witnesses who may have information and material relevant to the terms of reference of the Inquiry with a series of questions and has published statements responding to those questions. The statements published today can be accessed here.

The final remaining written statement from Frank Browne is undergoing the relevant statutory process including a legal review of section 24 responses from a number of parties in relation to this statement. The statement will be published when this process is complete. Statements will also be published from witnesses who submitted evidence to the inquiry in responding to evidence which affected them which was given by other persons.

The Committee is now engaged on the final phase of its work programme which will lead to its final report. This involves final analysis and review of evidence, obtaining clarification of material evidence from witnesses, and compilation of books of core documents for publication with the final report. Today the Committee also published the first tranche of clarifications of material evidence from witnesses. This information has been posted as Clarification of Material Evidence under the relevant witness name on at the inquiry website at https://inquiries.oireachtas.ie/banking/evidence/

The Committee has also published its quarterly update on activity and expenditure which can be accessed here.

Further information on the Oireachtas Banking Inquiry can be accessed at www.oireachtas.ie/bankinginquiry.

All media enquiries in relation to the Oireachtas Banking Inquiry should be addressed to:

Ciaran Brennan,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Communications Unit,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2

P: +3531 618 3903
M: 086-0496518
F: +3531 618 4551

All general enquiries should be directed to the Committee Secretariat.

e. contactbankinquiry@oireachtas.ie
t. +353 1 618 3651

Committee Membership


Ciarán Lynch (Chairman)
Pearse Doherty
Joe Higgins
Michael McGrath
Eoghan Murphy
Kieran O’Donnell
John Paul Phelan


Sean D Barrett
Michael D’Arcy
Marc MacSharry
Susan O’Keeffe
