Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

EU Affairs Committee to meet Vice-President of European Commission

15 Feabh 2012, 15:27

The Oireachtas Joint Committee on European Union Affairs will tomorrow meet Maroš Šefèoviè, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for Inter-institutional Relations and Administration. Mr Šefèoviè will update Committee Members on the Commission’s work programme.

Chairman of the Committee Dominic Hannigan TD said: “The Committee looks forward to a detailed briefing from Commissioner Šefèoviè on the EC’s Annual Work Programme 2012, entitled Delivering European Renewal.

“The Programme affirms the Commission’s determination to address the economic crisis weighing so heavily on Europeans today. Noting the emphasis in the document on job creation, Committee Members will be keen to question the Commissioner on some of the practical steps the Commission is proposing to confront the economic and financial crisis.  

“Committee Members also wish to explore the future role of the Commission as the engine of EU policymaking, particularly in the context of the new Fiscal Treaty. The Commission has gained enhanced responsibilities in the area of economic governance, which stem from the crisis.

“The medium and long term goals of the Commission will also be examined, including the EU’s education, R&D, anti-poverty, external action and energy policies to ensure sustainable and prosperous economic development for European citizens.”

The meeting takes place tomorrow Thursday 16 February at 12 noon in Committee Room 3, LH 2000. Click to follow Committee proceedings live.

Have your say: The Committee is leading a national debate on the new EU Fiscal Treaty. It invites submissions from those who wish to make known their views on the Treaty and its implications for Ireland.  View more and make a submission.

For further information please contact: 
Paul Hand,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Communications Unit,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2
P: +3531 618 4944
F: +3531 618 4551

Committee on European Union Affairs Membership
Dominic Hannigan, TD (Chairman)
Paschal Donohoe, TD (Vice-Chairman)
Timmy Dooley, TD
Bernard J Durkan, TD
Colm Keaveney, TD
Seán Kyne, TD
Pádraig Mac Lochlainn, TD
Joe O’Reilly, TD
Mick Wallace, TD
Colm Burke,
Fidelma Healy Eames,
James Heffernan,
Terry Leyden,
Kathryn Reilly
