Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Foreign Affairs Committee to meet Palestinian and Israeli Ambassadors

2 MFómh 2014, 11:56

The Oireachtas Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade will tomorrow afternoon meet with both the Ambassador of Palestine to Ireland and the Ambassador of Israel to Ireland. On the agenda for discussion is the situation in Gaza, as well as the wider Middle East Peace Process.

2 September 2014

Palestinian Ambassador H.E. Ahmad Abdelrazek will address the Committee at 2:30 pm and engagement with Israeli Ambassador H.E. Boaz Modai will follow at approximately 4 pm.

Chairman of the Committee Pat Breen TD says:  “This Committee has a longstanding interest in Israel-Palestine relations and has monitored recent events closely.  It is thus with optimism that we welcome the recent cessation in violence brokered last week.

“Through constant contact with both Ambassadors during the conflict, Members were keen to stress that both sides need to end their use of violence immediately in order to spare ordinary citizens on all sides the terrible consequences of war. At tomorrow’s meeting, the Committee will have the opportunity listen to the points made by both Ambassadors and to question them on the way in which the situation can best be moved forward.

“We also look forward to engaging with both representatives on how the progress made provides an impetus for dialogue aimed at securing a lasting peace between Israel and Hamas.\"

The meeting takes place tomorrow 3 September at 2.30pm in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000.  It can be viewed live on UPC Channel 207 as well as online here.

Committee proceedings can also be viewed on the move, through the Houses of the Oireachtas Smartphone App, available for Apple and Android devices.

Media enquiries to:
Paul Hand,
Communications Unit,
Houses of the Oireachtas,
Leinster House,
Dublin 2
P: +3531 618 4484
M: +353 87 694 9926

Committee on Foreign Affairs and Trade
Pat Breen, Fine Gael (Chairman)
Eric Byrne, Labour
Bernard Durkan, Fine Gael (Vice-Chairman)
Seán Crowe, Sinn Féin
Olivia Mitchell, Fine Gael
Gerald Nash, Labour
Dan Neville, Fine Gael
Brendan Smith, Fianna Fáil
Maureen O’Sullivan, Independent

Mark Daly, Fianna Fáil
Lorraine Higgins, Labour
Michael Mullins, Fine Gael
David Norris, Independent
Jim Walsh, Fianna Fáil
