Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar

Health Committee to receive update on CervicalCheck Programme

12 Feabh 2019, 11:12

Officials from the Department of Health and representatives from the HSE will be before the Joint Committee on Health tomorrow to deliver an update on the CervicalCheck Programme. 

Chairperson of the Health Committee, Dr Michael Harty TD said today, “

“At tomorrow’s meeting, the Committee will wish to discuss issues arising out of the Cervical Check Programme. Committee members will seek an update on 24 week delay due to the backlog in screening, as well as the delay in setting up the Tribunal suggested by Mr. Justice Charles Meenan in his report on an alternative system to deal with claims arising out of CervicalCheck.”

“The Committee is also likely to discuss the plans in place to assist those women with cervical cancer who were not included in the CervicalCheck audit, as well as seek an update on the outcomes of the 221 women on treatment process and the number of women affected who have not been able to get their slides.”

The meeting will start at 9am in Committee Room 3

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