29 Márta 2023, 15:50
The Joint Committee on Public Petitions will meet tomorrow, Thursday, 30 March, at 1.30pm in Committee Room 4 of Leinster House with the Press Ombudsman, Ms Susan McKay to discuss the Press Council of Ireland and Office of the Press Ombudsman Annual Report 2021 and related matters.
Committee Cathaoirleach Deputy Martin Browne said: “The Press Council of Ireland and Office of the Press Ombudsman is the body, independent of Government and the press, which consider complaints about print and online newspapers, magazines and online-only news publications. The Committee welcomes this opportunity to engage with Ms McKay in her role as Press Ombudsman to discuss her 2021 report and related matters.
“The Committee will also discuss a number of petitions from members of the public, including a call to ‘Save Clifden District Hospital’ and an update on the ‘Lil Reds Legacy Sepsis Awareness Campaign’ petition which was discussed by Members at a recent meeting.”
The Joint Committee on Public Petitions is a standing Committee of the Houses of the Oireachtas and has 11 Members, seven from the Dáil and four from the Seanad.
The meeting in the Committee Room 4 can be viewed live on Oireachtas TV.
Committee proceedings can also be viewed on the Houses of the Oireachtas Smartphone App, available for Apple and Android devices.
Fiosrúcháin ó na meáin
Robert Kennedy-Cochrane,
Tithe an Oireachtais,
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