Léim ar aghaidh chuig an bpríomhábhar


18 Iúil 2011, 17:44

Evening Herald Headline Seriously Misleading

18 July 2011

Reports in today’s (18th) Evening Herald about outstanding amounts of monies owed by Oireachtas Members are misleading and inaccurate.

Page 1 of the paper reports a headline “TDs' €70K bar bill”.  This headline is wholly untrue.  In fact the actual sum in question for the bar is €7K, a ten fold exaggeration.

The figure of €70K is the combined figure for the bar and restaurant facilities. The large majority of the outstanding debts relate to the restaurant only; where TDs and Senators regularly host visiting groups and organisations.  And all of this money is being repaid.

The article that appears today is based on information provided to the Evening Herald at the end of April 2011 some 10 weeks ago, since then outstanding money owed by former members has reduced significantly.  So the situation in relation to outstanding accounts in respect of former Members has changed significantly since then.

The Houses of the Oireachtas rigorously follows up on any current and former Oireachtas Members who have outstanding accounts for catering services in Leinster House. The only exception in the pursuit of outstanding accounts is in the case of bereavement.  The Houses of the Oireachtas stand over the fact that all outstanding monies are pursued and are confident that the situation will not arise that “the bill may have to be picked up by the taxpayer”. 

Yes, the Houses of the Oireachtas provide a credit facility to Members that allows them to have monthly accounts for their food and beverages consumed in Leinster House.  This is not a free credit line for Members and is repaid in full by Members.  This facility is in place as a convenience and to facilitate Members when they are hosting groups of visitors, constituents and schools groups.

Today’s Evening Herald’s misrepresentation of the facts should at least be acknowledged for what it is – an inaccurate and misleading report that is based on out of date and badly researched facts. 


For further information contact:

Mark Mulqueen
Oireachtas Communications Unit
01 618 4077
086 0454152
